we’re pregnant. it worked. beta #1 (9dp5dt) was 94. i go back in again on monday.

holy shit.

i’m pregnant. thats about all my brain can process right now.

we’re going to the bookstore (since none of our tons of books talk much about the after getting pregnant part) and then going for thai food.

we’re pregnant.

plan 2.0

we had our awesomely thorough and awesomely long orientation appointment yesterday afternoon.  i absolutely love the office and the staff there, they are all so great.  everything is still a bit jumbled, so another bulleted list it is.  yay!

my meds for this cycle
  • i’m staying on BCPs until tuesdy 3/27
  • friday 3/30 i go in for BW/US
  • begin stims 3/31
  • Read More »

round two

i had my CD3 bloodwork and ultrasound this morning.  looks like i finally fucking ovulated while i was on the provera.  awesome.  so now there is a “pretty big” cyst on my right ovary.  Dr. Y was going to check out my E2 levels and see if i can start the BCPs tonight or not, but i never heard from her.  i debated calling in, but she was meeting at the main clinic with all the docs and discussing my case this afternoon/evening, and will call to discuss that with me tomorrow, so i will definitely talk to her sometime tomorrow.  one more day can’t hurt too much, right?

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almost done with baseline testing

Things have kind of been on hold for the last few weeks. I went for my HSG on 8/31 and, thankfully, everything looked good. I was so anxious for the test, I think part of it was because I would be seeing the results at the same time as the doc. It wasn’t as bad as I expected though. I think the worst part was the doc was late since roads into town were still closed after Irene and traffic was horrible.Read More »

more waiting

R had his SA earlier in the week, (but for his privacy, his results are in this password-protected version of the post.  email me if you are interested in the results and need the password)

I had more bloodwork done this morning (CD2) and Dr. Derman gave me those results too when he called with R’s: FSH was 2.3 (“ok”) and E2 was 81, which he said was a little high and could raise the FSH level I guess. Not quite sure what exactly all that means, but Dr. Google will help, I’m sure. He wants to retest next cycle and see if the estrogen is still that high. And I was able to schedule my HSG for the end of the month, so that’s another thing checked off the list. Does it count as a check if it’s scheduled but not completed?Read More »

our consult

I was very relieved to finally hear from Dr. Derman’s office (Princeton IVF) a few weeks ago just after I got back from a trip out of town. The office manager had already talked to my insurance company for me, and it looked like we were good to go after a quick call to them from me. Once we both pulled out our calendars, I was preparing myself for a wait of a few months, trying not to get too disappointed to have to wait some more. But for once, things worked out well! They had had a cancelation if I could come in the next morning. It was actually nice to not have time to get myself freaked out about the appointment.

Meeting Dr. Derman was a nice relief too, I instantly felt at ease with him. We went over my medical history fairly quickly since there wasn’t much there, and he explained the initial plan: I would get some bloodwork taken care of today, then come back in a few days for the day 20 progesterone levels. We would check with R’s insurance to take care his semen analysis, and I’d call back on CD1 to schedule my day 3 bloodwork and the HSG. Once everything was done, we would meet again to develop our game plan.

So the initial bloodwork is done (all 13 vials!), and so is my first progesterone level. The nurse who called said it was “low” and that I “probably didn’t ovulate” that cycle. I didn’t think enough at the time to ask for numbers or anything, so I’ll have to try to get that later. I’m not sure if I am worried about this or not, my cycle length has been consistently inconsistent so maybe it was just the wrong day to check. R has his SA tomorrow morning, and I’ll hopefully be at CD1 at the end of this week so we can schedule everything else.

We’ll see how it goes.